Now Available on Audible – Shadows of the Underwizard

Greetings readers (and possible listeners), I’m pleased to announce that Book One of The Godhead Wars series, Shadows of the Underwizard, is now available as an audiobook from Audible!
You may have already read it, but this a great chance to re-visit the series or tell someone you know about it.
If nothing else, check out the sample to hear the narrator–he’s really good!

Check it out on

The Godhead Wars series now in Kindle Unlimited

Hello dear readers,

It’s been a while. This mainly due to the fact that, as I tend to do shortly after I release a new book, I have a new baby and a new day job. For the record, I do not recommend starting a new career immediately after having a baby. I’ve done it twice, and it was rough both times. Fortunately, it’s turning out a lot better this time around.

Anyway, while deciding what to do marketing-wise with my books, I decided to give Kindle Unlimited a try. So, for the time being, The Godhead Wars series (Shadows of the Underwizard and Relics of the Casted Age, so far), are exclusively available on Amazon, per the terms of the program. (This also means that Shadows is no longer permafree.) This will last for a minimum of 90 days, but could go on longer depending on how things go. I apologize to the (very) few readers I had on other platforms, but I figured now was the time to try it out before I risked losing reviews and/or ranking in the other stores.

Writing-wise, I’m working on a several things at the moment and hope to be able to share some of them with you sooner than later.

Shadows of the Underwizard ebook now free almost everywhere!

Hello dear readers. The ebook version of Shadows of the Underwizard is now forever free (yes, a low low cost $0.00) at most retailers. The only exception currently are the non-US Amazon sites which, for some reason, do not automatically price match to free.

I hope this will encourage new readers to give The Godhead Wars series a shot, and make it easier to get your fantasy-reading friends on board too. Enjoy!

A final (probably), mostly depressing post for 2013

So about my prediction of the sequel being ready this year… yeah, that may have been a bit optimistic. Life, as usual, had other plans and I’m currently prepping for yet another move. (I would also like to point out that downsizing your household via Craigslist is amazingly cathartic.) And I’m really not sure how things are going to shake out and whether my situation will be better or worse as far as getting in some writing goes. So, no more predictions at this point and time. (And, yeah, maybe someday I will be less cryptic and actually talk about what’s going on in my life. Maybe.)

The good news is that first draft is sitting at 86,000 words, so not too far from the 97,000 of book one. It’s obvious the sequel will be longer, though; I’m thinking around 120,000 words, so significantly longer than the first book but not a doorstopper by any means. And part of the reason I write pretty slow-ish is that I tend to stop a lot and think things through before plowing ahead to satisfy a word count–so I generally don’t have any massive re-writes when it comes time to edit. Also, editing is something I can do in smaller chunks, whereas the actual writing I tend to need a few hours to really get into the flow of the story; so what I’m saying is that once I can manage the first draft, I think things will pick up, since that sort of task is actually easier to fit into my life right now.

And I don’t know why I’m explaining myself since nobody really visits here at this point, but I like to make sure my many failings as a human being are a part of the public record. You know, for posterity.

Little Timesucker!

In my latest excuse for not having finished the sequel yet, I have a newborn at home. 🙂 That’s pretty much the trump card of excuses, right? Well, yeah, we have a new baby who is now about a month old. However, I think things are settling into enough of a routine that I can ramp up the writing again (and NaNoWriMo was not even a consideration this year).

From a more encouraging standpoint, I am roughly halfway through the first draft, and I tend to pick up momentum the closer I get to the conclusion.

Brief Update

The Shadows of the Underwizard page has been updated with most of the new sales channels. It’s still not showing up in iTunes for some reason; I’ll be checking with Smashwords to see what’s going on.

Progress on the as-yet-unnamed sequel ground to a halt during the whirlwind completion of my degree. Fortunately, that’s all wrapped up and I’ve dived back into the sequel between job-hunting. However, as I’m sure some of you well know in this economy, times of unemployment–even if you’re not at imminent risk of homelessness, starvation, etc.–tend to be some of the most unproductive times of all. You’re constantly at a low level of stress, the days seem shorter, and you can justifiably put off anything till tomorrow. Or am I alone in feeling this way?

Anyway, I’m trying not to let it get to me. It’s still too early to say when the next book will be ready, so I’ll stop with the sequel-teasting and get back to to the word processor…

New Sales Channels!

Shadows of the Underwizard was enrolled in Amazon’s KDP Select (Kindle lending library) program when it was first published, and it had a fair number of borrows through that program during what was likely the glut of new Kindle Fire owners after the holidays with a free month of Amazon Prime. Since the borrows have pretty much dried up since then, I have not re-enrolled the novel and am now free to sell it elsewhere.

First step: Shadows is now available at Smashwords, an independent (and pretty awesome) e-book distributor. It’s DRM-free there and available in pretty much any format you would actually use. After being vetted for formatting, Smashwords will also make the e-book available to other retailers such as Barnes & Noble and iTunes. I will update the book’s page as these become available.

I am also strongly considering creating an audiobook version for Podiobooks. I’ll let y’all know if that happens, of course!