After battling real-life obligations and a traitorous immune system over the past few days, followed by some obscenity-laden “disagreements” with MS Word, the final manuscript of Shadows of the Underwizard is ready to go.
The print-on-demand (paperback) version will be slightly delayed due to some stupid formatting issues, and I am getting really antsy and might just release the e-book version first. I’ll be sure to let you know when and if that happens.
But on the e-book front, Amazon recently announced a new program where authors who agree to make their books exclusive to Amazon for 90 days at a time are placed in the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library (and can get a portion of a fund set aside for that purpose) along with other promotional tools like the ability to make your book free for a few days. I have mixed feelings about this due to the exclusivity stipulation, but I figure as a completely new work without any presence on other platforms to lose that it might be worth trying for the first 90 days. Also, I really don’t plan on doing much marketing until I have a sequel ready, so I’m not too concerned at the moment if it’s not available to the widest possible audience. Anyway, if by some off chance you own an e-reader that is not a Kindle and manage to find and want to buy my book, I apologize in advance.
Please keep in mind that this self-publishing thing is experimental from beginning to end for me. A few years ago I never would have even considered it, but the literary landscape is changing that fast. We’ll just have to see what happens!